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Case Studies

Children’s Information Service

"I have found the washroom advertising an effective way of promoting"



Children's Information Service list of services

Target market

All parents


A3 Washroom posters in family orientated venues throughout Essex


Essex County Council


To promote and inform parents of the Children’s services provided by Essex County Council, in particular their contact details

Client Comment

"I have found that the washroom advertising is an effective way of promoting the Essex Family Information Service and have no hesitation in recommending Positive Marketing Media"
Les Hobbs, Information Services Manager, Early Years and Childcare, Essex County Council

Cosmetic Surgery Information Evenings

"We had a growing Interest from customers who have seen our adverts"



To promote Cosmetic Surgery at The Spire Leeds Hospital


Primarily 25 – 45 females


A3 Washroom posters in the York Designer Outlet


Spire Healthcare Leeds Hospital


To promote and give detail of cosmetic surgery evenings being at held at The Spire Leeds Hospital

Client Comment

"We've had growing interest from customers who have seen our advertisements in outlet parks, and so we have worked with Positive Media to grow this activity for 2009. We’re looking forward to seeing more great results"

Suzanne, Marketing Manager, Spire Health Care Leeds

Palmer’s College Open Evenings

"...a very effective way of promoting our College Open Evenings"



To promote open evenings at Palmer's College

Target market

Primarily young adults


A3 Washroom posters in the Queen's Theatre Hornchurch


Palmer's College, Thurrock


To promote and give detail of forth coming open evenings at Palmer's College

Client Comment

"We found advertising in the washrooms of one of our local theatres a very effective way of promoting our College Open Evenings. Positive Media Marketing were very professional and helpful and we would not hesitate in recommending them to others"
Varsha Patel, Marketing Manager, Palmer's College, Thurrock

University of Greenwich £50 million Investment

"...informing everyone of a £50 million pound investment"



New £50 million pound campus facilities

Target market

Primarily young adults


A3 Washroom posters in the Ashford Designer Outlet

A1 Shopping Centres posters in the:

  • Harlequin Watford
  • Lakeside Thurrock
  • Orchards Dartford
  • Mall Maidstone
  • Mall Walthamstow
  • Mall Wood Green
  • Glades Bromley
  • Vicarage Field Barking
  • St.George's Gravesend


To inform everybody of the new £50 million pound investment in the facilities at Greenwich University